(use box office phone number in flyer below
or direct link under flyer for tickets)
Welcome to:
The Villages, Florida
We are a group dedicated to live musical theatre with our focus on Broadway Musicals.
Simply follow the menu on the left hand side or the menu bar in the upper left on a cell phone and you will learn about us and what we are doing in the future
Those of you who are performers and want to audition for a particular show should stay tuned as audition schedules will appear on this Website.
Thanks for showing interest in our wonderful team of Producers, Directors, Actors, Stage Personnel, and Costumers
The Board of Directors
The Villages Musical Theater, Inc.
The main goal of the VMT is to promote musical theatre appreciation for The Villages and surrounding community. No matter your interest there is a place for you.
Four Reasons to be a member of
Communication – Keep up to date via email on the latest VMT news including upcoming performances and auditions
Participation- Maintain eligibility to be a cast member of a VMT musical production
Enfranchisement – Be eligible to vote in that calendar year’s elections or on any votes on changes to organizational policy or procedures through changes to VMT by-laws
Support – Show your continued support for the performance of high quality musical theater in The Villages
The Villages Musical Theater will always be welcoming new members, new ideas, new blood!
We’re always looking for actors, singers and dancers as well as a whole myriad of artisans who enjoy working backstage, whether
applying stage make-up, designing, building, or painting a set, designing a program, working with props or costumes, helping performers with costume changes, stage set movers, stage managers,
directors, assistant directors, and many more!
Questions or comments about our organization
or this website may be directed to:
Bill Krone, Web Supervisor