Our March 2025 show has been selected:
MARCH 12,13,14, 2025
Dress /Tech March 10 and 11, 2025
Directed by Dave Saxe
Choreographer: Cheri Lindell
Annual Meeting and Elections November 2021
The 2022 Board of Directors elected at the November 2021 meeting were:
Ed Slivken, Chairman
Bruce Greeenberger, (Vice Chairman)
Janet Maloney(Treasurer)
Bill Krone, Gary Chubeck, Dave Saxe, and Patti Card
Annual Meeting and Elections April 2021
The COVID delayed 2020 Annual meeting and elections for the Board were held on
Thursday April 29 at 6:30 pm at Paradise Recreation Center.
The result of the elections:
The 2021 Board is:
Bill Krone Chair, Bruce Greenberger, Vice Chair, Ed Slivken, Treasurer and Membership Chairman, Gary Chubeck, secretary, Dave Saxe, Janet Maloney, sunshine chair, and Patti Card.
Sunshine information
If you know of anyone seriously ill or suffering a loss, please let our new Sunshine chairperson, Janet Maloney, know at: janet45maloney@aol.com
Membership and Change of Contact Information
If you have moved or changed your contact information in the last year, please send your changes to Ed Slivken, membership chair, at eslivken@aol.com.
Also, if you would like to join as a new member, contact ED. Dues have been waived for 2021, but joining will allow you to be on our email list for news and updates.